If you haven’t set up a Nintendo Account yet, now’s a great time to do so. Head over to the official site and sign up for free. Having an account not only grants you access to a world of digital fun, but it also lets you participate in the My Nintendo rewards program. This means earning points whenever you buy eligible digital games from the Nintendo eShop, use Nintendo apps on your smartphone, or even just by logging into Nintendo services.
For those curious about downloading games, the official Nintendo website offers plenty of details to get you started. And if you’re on the hunt for more downloadable content, the Nintendo eShop is definitely worth checking out.
Remember, pricing on the eShop can change, so it’s a good idea to visit either the eShop itself or the specific game pages for the latest info.
For downloading demos on your Nintendo Switch from the eShop, don’t forget that you’ll need a Nintendo Account. Also, there are some terms and conditions you’ll need to keep in mind.
If you’re looking to grab games, demos, or free software straight from the official Nintendo site, it’s crucial to have your Nintendo Account linked to your Switch console. Ensure your console is set as the active one for downloads by visiting the eShop on that device at least once. For a smooth downloading experience, make sure your system is up-to-date, connected to the internet, and has automatic downloads enabled with enough storage space available. For additional guidance, the Support section is there to help. Just so you know, any purchases or demo activations done through the Nintendo website are handled through the eShop.