Right now, Fallout 5 is shrouded in mystery, and fans of Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic saga find themselves in a holding pattern. The reveal of the next installment is likely far off. However, after the rousing success of its live-action adaptation on Amazon Prime, enthusiasm for Fallout 5 has been reignited, sparking speculation about what lies ahead. While official details remain elusive, the prospect of a new game stirs excitement, igniting imaginations with possibilities.
Bethesda’s latest endeavor, Starfield, launched players into a realistic sci-fi experience. Although it focuses on exploring the cosmos, it notably forgoes humanoid alien species, sticking instead to indigenous life forms on various planets. This grounded approach to extraterrestrial life is thought-provoking, yet some feel it falls short in delivering the classic alien encounters fans might expect. Unlike Starfield, the Fallout series has embraced its share of humanoid aliens. Zatans, a recurring presence in the Fallout universe, could bring a fresh twist if they were to play a significant role in the anticipated Fallout 5.
Historically speaking, since Bethesda took the reins of the Fallout series starting with Fallout 3, humanoid aliens have made a marked impression. Zetans, for instance, have featured in every subsequent title. Fallout 76 even hosts an annual event called “Invaders From Beyond,” dedicated to Zetan invasions in Appalachia. In the original Fallout, players could stumble upon a downed UFO with alien remains nearby, albeit those had distorting features compared to Zetans.
Integrating Zetans as a major faction in Fallout 5 could infuse a robust sci-fi flavor into the wastelands known for their diverse factions. These aliens, beyond their cameo appearances, are woven into the lore of Fallout. Fallout 3’s DLC, Mothership Zeta, revealed how deeply Zetans meddled in humanity’s past, extending their influence even before The Great War. Agents like Toshiro Kago, a samurai snatched away from feudal Japan, flesh out this intrigue. Fallout 76 further explores their presence, contributing to the creation of the Flatwoods Monster myth in pre-war Appalachia. With such a history, a grander Zetan role could mark Fallout 5’s narrative.
While Fallout 76 dipped its toes into alien invasions, Fallout 5 could take giant steps forward, centering its story around an extraterrestrial threat. Featuring Zetans not as side characters or DLC extras but as dominant adversaries or central plot elements could engage players in new ways, perhaps even saving settlements from alien onslaughts. As we await official news on Fallout 5, one thing remains clear: with Starfield’s absence of aliens, revitalizing an invasion scenario with Zetans would be thrilling, and it leaves fans eagerly anticipating Bethesda’s next move.